Living Beyond Ourselves

As a Team Pinnacle family, one of our core values is to always be aware of opportunities we have to live beyond ourselves. We are blessed to be a part of this great company and to be able to build a financial legacy for ourselves and our families.

But part of our social responsibility is to live beyond ourselves; to help those who cannot necessarily help themselves. 

Here are two organizations we support as a Team Pinnacle family. We urge all Pinnacle associates to get behind these organizations — not only as a one-time support — but as an ongoing effort, so that we are continually becoming a people who are living beyond ourselves.

Download the Starfish Story

It might not seem like you're making a big difference ... but you'd be surprised.


TLC is a registered non-profit  organization for those who are seeking help to work through life-controlling issues. Having been in operation since 1982, TLC has helped more than 2,500 men by helping restore their hope and dignity and presenting them back to their families. There has been tremendous healing, restoration, victory and peace in the lives of the men who have come through TLC. 

In 2018, TLC will open an incredible, new facility for women as well. 

Watch the Video!

This encouraging video was put together by the men at TLC as a visual representation of their transformation from hopelessness to a hope-filled life.

Two ways we can give back

Donate Online

You may choose a quick one-time donation by clicking the “Quick Give” button, or you can choose a regular donation schedule.


Text a donation

Using any mobile phone, you can donate by simply typing in the amount you’d like to give and sending it to (845) 243-2393. Your donation will get processed immediately through super-secure servers and you’ll receive an email and text confirmation. Click the button below for more info.


The Sunshine Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer. Established in 1982, they are committed to providing positive group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. The Sunshine Kids provides a variety of programs and events, free of charge, for Kids who are receiving cancer treatments in hospitals across North America. Team Pinnacle is proud to continue our affiliation and support of this incredible organization.

Donate Online

The Sunshine Kids is a national non-profit organization. The Sunshine Kids Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and is audited annually. The funding sources for the Foundation include private, corporate, civic clubs, philanthropic foundations and memorial donations.