The documents below have been created to assist you in your LegalShield Business. They will provide you with scripts and other helpful aids to maximize your effectiveness. Be sure to not only familiarize yourself with the content within these documents but also make sure that all your new recruits have access to them right away.
Why Attend a Weekly LegalShield Business Showcase
Private Conference Call
Protection Review Document
Parents Project
Network Marketing Evaluation
My Daily Affirmation
How Are People Selling So Many Memberships?
Getting Your LegalShield Business Started Fast
Getting Started Worksheet
Elevator Pitch
“Dear Realtor” Letter
Approach Script
101 Reasons-Custom
KPI Benchmark Sheet
Personal KPI Sheet
How To Do Group, Without Doing Group!
Why Real Estate Investors Need a LegalShield Plan
The 10 Human Regrets
The 10 Human Victories
Real Estate Yard Signs Script
Circle Ups
How to Play Team
10 Core Commitments
Five Stages of Growth
Ask for Action, Not Permission
BMW Comparison
BNI (Leveraging the Power of Networking Groups)
Realtor Sign Script
Carrot Dangling Script
The 100 ‘No’ Challenge
Roadmap to the 90-Day Challenge
Effective Invitation Scripts
L.E.A.P.– LegalShield’s Easy Approach Process
10 Pack Script for calling your recruit’s contacts
Insurance Recruiting Letter
Cold Calling Lead Script
“Making My First Ten Million” BLS Auto-responders
Rank Advancement Charts
Recruiting Made Easy
PBR Document 2014
90-Day Tracking Sheet
Additional Supplement to 90-Day Tracking Sheet
The Perfect Storm Tool Blitz Tracking Sheet
The Perfect Storm Information Sheet