Liz Foo-Lequeux had a great start in life making a good income selling health club memberships, but she felt that something was missing.
“It was exhausting to work six days a week until 10 p.m.! If I wanted to travel or go on mission trips with my church, it was hard to take off,” she explains.
That’s when she met a LegalShield associate who was retired at age 30 and living the lifestyle she always wanted. “He told me to read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. When I did, I discovered that the only way I was going to get wealthy in this country was to start my own business. LegalShield had the easiest business model I could follow and the best compensation plan I had ever seen.”
She started part time, working her business one hour a day on her lunch break. Eight months later, she replaced her full-time income and officially retired from the work force at 25 years old. “My dad always said, ‘If your name is not on the building, you’re building someone else’s dream’.”
Fast forward to the present, she says, “It’s not about the money, but the people you can help.” Because of LegalShield, Liz began contributing to the Villagebanking.org project to help Third World families start their own businesses and live the American Dream, too.
She also traveled to Uganda in Africa with her church, providing shoes for orphans. “I’ve been able to travel the world, visiting an average of five countries a year because of the passive income from LegalShield. The company has given me a purpose driven life.”
“Five years in to the business, I got married and started having children. I am now a mom of two, and for the past six years, I have been able to spend full time being a stay-at-home mom seven days a week. LegalShield’s business model provided me with a passive income from building a team and residuals from memberships that renew each year. My husband, David, was also able to take off from his technology career for three years and enjoy family time 24/7 before the kids went off to pre-school.”
Liz believes her keys to success are: Being Performance Club qualified, reading one new personal development book a month, exercising every day to have high energy, and having strong faith that God always has bigger plans for you. Her favorite quote is Galatians 6:9 — “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”